Monday, January 13, 2014

Nefilat Apayim On Tu Bishvat

Nefilat Apayim On Tu Bishvat

Day: Monday
Date: January 13, 2014
Parshat: Yitro
Source: Yalkut Yosef: Laws of Tu Bishvat

Gd willing, this Wednesday night and Thursday will be Tu Bishvat. Tu Bishvat is the new year for trees. Since it is a holiday one may not fast on it. We do not say viduy and we do not do nefilat apayim either. As with other holidays we also omit viduy and nefilat apayim from mincha the day before. Some people have a tradition to read specific mishnayot and parts of the Zohar. It is best to understand what one is reading as much as possible. One should try to study laws that are relevant to Tu Bishvat on the day itself. Among those laws are the order in which to say berachot, as well as halachot relevant to agriculture.

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