Wednesday, January 27, 2016

One Who Spoke After the Beracha but Before Swallowing His Food

One Who Spoke After the Beracha but Before Swallowing His Food
Day: Wednesday
Date: January 27, 2016
Parshat: Yitro
Yalkut Yosef: O"H: 206

Ideally, one who says a beracha should partake of the food right away and not say anything until swallowing the first bite. However, if he did speak after tasting the food but before swallowing any of it, no new beracha is necessary. Therefore, it is permissible to say a beracha on a sucking candy and talk after tasting it even though it is still not finished. Along the same lines, one who made a beracha and began chewing and before swallowing heard someone saying kaddish or kedusha should answer. However, if he was about to swallow when he heard the kaddish and he is not able to talk, he should answer in his mind without actually saying the words.

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