Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Kashering a Micorwave for Pesah

Kashering a Micorwave for Pesah
Day: Tuesday
Date: March 17, 2015
Parshat: Vayikra
Yalkut Yosef: 451

There are two different kinds of microwave ovens. Some of them have a heating element and can be used like a regular oven. Others work by using radiation to warm up the food as opposed to using actual heat. The ones that have a heating element can kashered for Pesah the same way as a regular oven: by waiting 24 hours from the last use, cleaning it well, and turning it on the highest setting for an hour or so. The microwaves that work through radiation need to kashered even though generally they are used to warm things up rather than to cook. These are kashered by cleaning them well and boiling a cup of water with (non toxic) soap until the walls of the microwave have steam on them. As an extra precaution it is also good to wrap well everything that is heated in the microwave on Pesah. Microwaves in more public places that are constantly used or even private microwaves that are used so much that the walls generally become very hot should not be kashered for Pesah. Serving trays that are not used to cook on may be kashered by pouring boiling hot water on them directly from the pot the water was cooked in.

The DSH is brought to you in memory of Rabbi Mordechai ben Daniel. Please visit us online at sephardichalacha.org 

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